Documentation of
Snowy Owl
Observer Information
Phil Lyon
14179 W Warren Dr,
CO 80228
Other Observers:
Mary Lyon
Species, Date, Time and Location Information
Snowy Owl
First Date/Time:
12/7/2021 2:30:00 PM
Last Date/Time:
12/7/2021 2:40:00 PM
Duration (total time in view):
10 minutes
Specific Location:
Location Not Listed
Viewing Conditions
binoculars and spotting scope
approx. 45 ft.
bright sunlight
Description of the Bird
The owl was white with dark spotting. Some spotting was evident on top of the head but not a lot. Looking at the ID info from All About Birds, I would say this bird was an adult female/immature male.
The owl was sitting atop a power line pole. As we passed by while driving west on I-76, both Mary and I commented at the same time that there was a snowy owl on top of that pole. After we turned around and returned to the location (now headed east) we stopped the car and got out to observe. The owl knew we were there as it turned its head around and apparently looked at us. It alternated between looking in our direction and looking away to the north. At times it appeared that its eyes were closed and then open, repeating this cycle several times while we were there.
Report was submitted to ebird.
Similar Species Discussion
no other species were considered. Driving by at 75 mph, the bird was clearly an owl and the overall white coloration immediately indicated to us that we had seen a snowy owl.
Resources Used
At first, just visual sighting with no other equipment. When we returned we both used our binoculars and a spotting scope. Photograph was taken with a Samsung cell phone that was held up to the eyepiece of the scope.
Previous Experience
I have previously observed snowy owls on 3 other occassions.
1/24/2010 El Paso County, 12/07/2015 Denver County, 12/27/2017 Jefferson County.
Notes made DURING observation
Date Documentation Submitted
2/26/2022 9:22:00 AM
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Location Map
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