Documentation of
Varied Thrush
Observer Information
Gary Witt
Other Observers:
A group of 8 including the DFO leader Chris Owens, Paul Slingsby, Greg Witt (my brother) and myself.; Yes, I was the original individual to call out the identity. Others were able to view and confirm this ID.
Species, Date, Time and Location Information
Varied Thrush
First Date/Time:
Last Date/Time:
Duration (total time in view):
3-5 minutes
Specific Location:
Inlet canal to Prewitt Reservoir
This area was wood with limited understory along the west side of the inlet canal to Prewitt Reservoir.
Viewing Conditions
10x42 binoculars (Bushnell); photographed by a Canon 7D with Tamron 200-500mm lens.
Estimated distance of 30-40 feet.
The bird was back lit at about 2 o'clock position. The days was slightly overcast.
Description of the Bird
This bird flew into a willow or cottonwood tree along the entrance canal to Prewitt Reservoir as observed by others. Numerous individuals tried to get a good look but were impeded by foliage. I was able to get binoculars on it first and called it out as a Varied Thrush. My first impression was that of an American Robin relative to size and posture. The bird was backlit and had a reddish orange breast. Upon viewing with binoculars one could recognize the large dark band through the eye with its connection to a dark breast-band. As others were able to observe the bird, the orange wing bars. patterned wings, and orange "eyebrow" (supercilium) was also noted. At least two individuals (including myself) were able to photograph the bird.
Behaviors: The bird flew into a willow or narrowleaf cottonwood where it was first noted. The bird stayed in the tree for several minutes and then moved across the canal to a Russian Olive tree where it was mostly hidden from view. We found no evidence that it was traveling with any other birds and no other birds were in the immediate area. The group decided not to pursue it at that point.
Call: This bird did not make any calls or noise as I recall.
Plumage: Typical male plumage
Similar Species Discussion
Similar to American Robin in size but dark bands at eye and breast set it apart.
Resources Used
Sibleys smartphone application.
Previous Experience
No similar experience in that this was a life bird for me. I had been specifically looking for thrushes this summer and fall so had spent time with the Sibley's field guide on thrushes.
Date Documentation Submitted
12/2/2012 10:19:00 PM
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