Documentation of Lucy's Warbler

Observer Information

Reporter:  Bill Kaempfer  86 Redwood Dr,   Safety Harbor, FL  34695-4667
Other Observers:  members of the CFO board including Nunes, Roller, Boswell, Faulkner, Henwood, Linfield, Edwards, Modesitt and Deiniger;

Species, Date, Time and Location Information

Species:  Lucy's Warbler
First Date/Time:  4/13/2013
Last Date/Time:  4/13/2013
Duration (total time in view):  on and off for about one hour
County:  Montezuma
Specific Location:  Yellow Jacket Canyon
Number:  2
Age:  Unknown
Sex:  Multiple Birds - Mixed
Plumage:  Other/Unknown

Description of the Bird

Small gray warbler-type bird with a bit of red that might be more specifically called rust, redwood or fire brick red that showed along the rear flank under the wings; no noticeable eye-ring and a small pointed bill.
Behaviors: Flitted high in large cottonwoods along a red-rock canyon creek bed while singing frequently. There seemed to be some association in pairs and perhaps more than one pair present.
Call: Song was like Yellow or Virginia's Warbler but faster and more twittery
Plumage: adult

Similar Species Discussion

Song indicated probable Yellow, Virginia's or Lucy's--gray plumage ruled out first two. Gray-headed Juncos were larger and plumper. These birds were not blue enough and too short tailed for any gnatcatcher.

Resources Used

Sibley and

Previous Experience

This was a state bird, but I had seen Lucy's in AZ many years ago.



Additional Information

Time: 8:30 a.m.
Other Dates:
Nearest Town: Cortez
Independent Observers:

Materials Available

No files uploaded.

Date Documentation Submitted

4/17/2013 9:54:00 AM