Documentation of Worm-eating Warbler

Observer Information

Reporter:  C W   
Other Observers:  Carol Sullivan; Carol Sullivan found it at 9:30 on the same day.

Species, Date, Time and Location Information

Species:  Worm-eating Warbler
First Date/Time:  4/11/2006
Last Date/Time: 
Duration (total time in view):  30 minutes
County:  Larimer
Specific Location:  It was about 3 miles from the Stove Prairie School. To get there go up Risk Canyon from Bellvue, then when you get to the only stop sign after going up Risk Canyon go straight. At that corner is the Stove Prairie School.
Number:  1
Age:  Unknown
Sex:  Unknown
Plumage:  Other/Unknown


It was in a small grass opening surrounded by Ponderosa Pines and Douglas Firs. There was also a few junipers in the opening.

Viewing Conditions

Optics:  Leica 8x32 binoculars
Distance:  At the closest it was probably 10 feet away.
Light:  We saw the bird from all different angle, so at times we had great light and at other times we didn't have so great of light. The sun was out with only a few clouds in the sky.

Description of the Bird

Olive colored back, cream colored head with 4 dark brown stripes 2 on top of the head and 1 going through each eye. The belly is a lighter bream color than the head. It had pink legs, long bicolored bill, and a short tail.
Behaviors: It was scratching around in the grass trying to find food. When it would fly it would only fly a short distance and go back to trying to find food.
Call: Didn't hear it call or sing
Plumage: Adult

Similar Species Discussion

Swainson's Warbler
It has a drab back, white throat, white supercillium, yellowish belly, rufous crown, brown line through the eye, and white undertail covert.

Resources Used

I used the Sibley Guide to birds after the sighting.

Previous Experience

I have seen 1 WEWA in Colorado and I also saw a few in Mexico in January.


Notes made DURING observation

Additional Information

Time: I saw it at 11:30
Elevation: About 7600
Other Dates:
Nearest Town: Bellvue
Independent Observers: Carol Sullivan found it at 9:30 on the same day.

Materials Available

Photographer: Cole Wild

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Date Documentation Submitted

4/18/2006 10:46:00 AM
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