Documentation of Snowy Plover

Observer Information

Reporter:  Brandon K. Percival  835 S. Harmony Dr.,   PUEBLO WEST, CO  81007-2632
Other Observers:  None with me. Seen by many before this date, and later in the day by Kara Carragher and others.

Species, Date, Time and Location Information

Species:  Snowy Plover
First Date/Time:  5/3/2015 6:05:00 AM
Last Date/Time:  5/3/2015 6:10:00 AM
Duration (total time in view):  5 minutes
County:  El Paso
Specific Location:  Big Johnson Reservoir
Number:  1
Age:  Adult
Sex:  Unknown
Plumage:  Breeding


Lake shore

Viewing Conditions

Optics:  20x60 zoom leica spotting scope
Distance:  200 meters, on far shore
Light:  Sunny, no heat waves, probably the best time to scope Big Johnson Reservoir from the parking lot

Description of the Bird

I went to Big Johnson Reservoir early in the morning, to see if I could find the previously reported Snowy Plover, that I didn't have in El Paso County.  I started scoping the far shore, and with some American Avocets, I could pick out a pale backed small plover.  The bird didn't have a complete black neck band and the legs weren't orange, so I was sure it wasn't a Piping Plover.  Kara Carragher and others walked around the lake later in the day, and confirmed the bird was indeed a Snowy Plover, that was hanging around with the American Avocets.  Sam Fason photographed the bird on 1 May 2015, and I'm including his photo.  This appears to be a Colorado Bird Records Committee Review species for El Paso County, that is why I'm submitting.  Not sure if others will or not.

Similar Species Discussion

Piping Plover -- light colored legs

Resources Used


Previous Experience

This species breeds at Lake Cheraw, Otero County, CO, and I usually see many of them each year, at this location.  Since they breed in SE Colorado, it isn't too surprising to have a migrant in El Paso County, and along the Front Range.


Notes made AFTER observation

Materials Available

Photographer: Sam Fason

Photos |


Date Documentation Submitted

5/14/2015 6:09:00 PM
Click left or right edges of photos to move through all; click outside image to close

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