Documentation of Least Flycatcher

Observer Information

Reporter:  Roger Linfield  6525 Gunpark Dr.,   Boulder, CO  80301-3333
Other Observers:  none

Species, Date, Time and Location Information

Species:  Least Flycatcher
First Date/Time:  6/22/2013 10:00:00 AM
Last Date/Time:  6/22/2013 10:10:00 AM
Duration (total time in view):  10 minutes
County:  Grand
Specific Location:  5 miles east of Kremmling, CR 39, woods very near the Colorado River
Number:  1
Age:  Adult
Sex:  Unknown
Plumage:  Breeding


moist deciduous woods

Viewing Conditions

Optics:  Zeiss 10x40 binoculars
Distance:  40 feet
Light:  relatively low light, due to heavy woods

Description of the Bird

My observations of the bird were relatively brief.  I heard it singing vigorously ('Che bek' call, repeated every 2-3 seconds), and that is what drew my attention to it.  I walked up towards it, and saw enough to confirm that it was an empid.  I did not see enough visual evidence to distinguish it from other empids.

Similar Species Discussion

I used voice (song) as the only way of separating this bird from similar species.

Resources Used

My memory of their song, based on past experience.

Previous Experience

I have seen about a dozen Least Flycatchers in Colorado in Spring, with a few of them singing.  Outside Colorado, my primary experience was in Saskatchewan, where they were singing on territory.

For other western empids, I have seen and heard them on territory multiple times,  My experience with eastern empids (Acadian, Yellow-bellied) is much more limited.


Notes made AFTER observation

Materials Available

No files uploaded.

Date Documentation Submitted

11/7/2016 8:43:00 PM

Location Map

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